
In 2019, the X-Men movies caught my attention. The storytelling and characters sparked my interest, especially the complicated relationship between Magneto and Professor X. From friends to enemies to "bookends of the same soul", Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr really carry this franchise. At the end of 2019, Marvel also rebooted their X-Men comic universe with "House of X", entering the Krakoan era. The new art style and modernized costumes really spoke to me, thus I had to dive into Cosplaying Charles Xavier. 


[June 2023] For a study assignment I made various versions of Charles Xavier's Cerebro helmet from the new run of X-Men (House of X/Fall of X). 


Professor X (X-Men First Class) and Charles Xavier (House of X Comic Version)


Cosplay Photography


Cherik Mug (.jpg)
Cherik Mug Hirami.jpg
JPG Image 1.5 MB
Cherik Mug (.png)
Cherik Tasse.png
Portable Network Image Format 2.8 MB

Cherik Wallpaper
X-Men First Class Charles & Erik
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JPG Image 4.1 MB
Cherik Wallpaper
X-Men First Class Charles & Erik
Cherik Wallpaper01_ul.jpg
JPG Image 1.1 MB

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